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Dear PhysioNeeds East Bridgford patients

We hope you are all keeping safe and you and your families are managing okay in these very unprecedented times.

Our clinic is open for Face to Face treatment! We assure you that we have put enhanced measures in place to ensure the protection of both you the patient, our staff and the wider public. A full risk assessment of the working environment has been undertaken. We are following Public Health England COVID-19 infection prevention and control guidelines.

We are asking patients to wear a face mask at all times when inside the clinic.

Please see our PDF attached outlining our SCREENING-CLEANING-PROTECTING protocols

COVID-19 SCREENING QUESTIONS: When booking a Face to Face appointment you will be asked to confirm that you or any member of your household IS NOT presenting, or HAS NOT presented with the following symptoms in the last 14 days:

If you answer YES to any of the above then you will not be able to be seen Face-to-Face but we can still discuss and treat your injury via Telephone/Video Consultations. We can also offer Telephone/Video Consultations for those patients who are still shielding.

We have also been posting lots of videos on our Facebook page and YouTube channel (PhysioNeeds) so do check those out to try and stay as active as possible. We have also been putting top tips on our Facebook page to help with prevention/management of injuries. If you have any questions, please do contact the clinic.

Stay safe everyone!

From all the team at PhysioNeeds

Screening, Cleaning, Protecting
